What to know about driving the roads of Morocco

Main routes are generally good and motorways are up to European standards. Improvements continue to popular tourist routes. Many of the rural roads that benefit from tarmac are effectively single lane, comprising a tarmac strip one vehicle wide and rough compacted gravel hard shoulder either side. Often there is a sharp drop off the edge of the tarmac. However, the standard of driving in Morocco is poor.

Driving in Moroccan towns

Town driving is a nerve-wracking experience. Moroccan drivers often jump red lights, or come up to a line of stationary vehicles at traffic lights only to pull onto the wrong side of the road in an attempt to get to the head of the queue. Be prepared for vehicles to suddenly pull out in front of you without signalling. Vehicles do not stop at pedestrian crossings and any that do get beeped and/or overtaken. Vehicles will under or overtake. At any traffic lights Moroccan drivers will sound their horns impatiently before the lights change.

In big cities there are countless moped riders and their driving can be utterly unpredictable. There will be rickety bicycles, the lunatic moped riders and all these vehicles are sharing the roads with large buses and HGVs. As if that was not enough to look out for, pedestrians will cross the street anywhere they like, often without looking.

Beware traffic entering some roundabouts has priority over traffic already on the
roundabout. The problem is that there is no hard and fast rule. Our advice is that you should take particular care; it is very easy to get caught out!

Dual carriageways through towns will suddenly lose a lane to a dirt track...or tree!

Night driving

Vehicles travelling slower than 20kph are not required to have lights. Therefore cyclists, mopeds, donkeys, and camels all just wander around without lights. Pedestrians reserve the element of surprise by dressing in dark colours, walking on the road regardless of pavements and appearing from nowhere! Vehicles driving above 20kph may have defective lights, or none at all. You are strongly advised not to drive in the dark.

Rural Driving in Morocco

Rural roads are generally easy to drive but animals may graze the verges and expect donkey carts, mopeds, tractors, HGVs and minibuses in varying states of road-worthiness. Drivers are prone to overtaking on bends or before hills and at other inappropriate times.

Campsites may be accessed via unmade dirt tracks. There tracks may be difficult to negotiate in wet weather. There are many unmade tracks or pistes to explore but tracks are mostly unmarked so good navigation skills are required.

Driving in the rain

During the winter mountain passes can be closed because of snow; road signs may indicate closures. Campsites located above 800m, therefore could have snow in the winter, are identified in Camping Morocco.

Heavy rain is to Morocco what snow is to the south of England! Always totally unexpected and no one knows what to do or how to cope with it. Where storm water facilities are provided they are often poorly designed or badly maintained, as a result enormous puddles obscure roads, fields are turned into lakes and occasionally roads and even bridges are washed away.

Police checks and speeding in Morocco

The Police also operate roadside driver and vehicle checks, occasionally you may be stopped and asked if everything is OK, where you have been and where you are heading. Near land borders you may be stopped at checkpoints. You are expected to hand over a Fiche (form). Print several copies in advance for each person.

Speed limits are normally well signed but be aware that Moroccan drivers may consider this 'guidance'. There are fixed speed cameras and police operating mobile speed checks are commonplace throughout the country, especially on roads below 60kmph. On the spot fines of €150 are issued if you are caught speeding. The police must issue a receipt.

Buying Fuel in Morocco

Diesel and unleaded petrol are widely available, but there are no LPG Autogas stations in Morocco. Outside of towns fuel stations may be long distances apart so it is advisable to top up your tank whenever possible. Choose the well-known European brands where available, and also buy fuel from busy stations, thus reducing the risk of buying contaminated fuel. Fuel stations are mostly open 7 days a week. Prices are fairly constant across the country, except in Western Sahara.

Most fuel stations only take cash, or local bank cards. Always check if cards are accepted before fueling up if you do not have enough cash.

Navigating Morocco

Buy a map of Morocco before you arrive as maps are hard to find in Morocco. The Michelin sheet map for Morocco is recommended. If you have a Sat Nav update it with Moroccan mapping before you depart. It is possible to use Google Maps and Waze. Whatever you use you will still need common sense and possible on foot checking as all may use unsuitable shortcuts through narrow streets in towns and dirt roads in rural areas. Where possible follow the directions in Camping Morocco and the campsite signs.


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