Reviews of All the Aires France 10th edition

Here are some of the reviews we have had for All the Aires France 10th edition

Featured in Practical Motorhome Best Motorhome Accessory 2025 article: Editor Sarah Wakely wrote 'I’ve toured France in a motorhome more times than I can count, and along with my high-vis jacket, headlight beam benders and warning triangle, I always pack a copy of Vicarious Books’ brilliant All the Aires. ...Aires are a brilliant way to explore France in a motorhome, and whether you’re a newbie or an old-hand, the All the Aires guides can help make your trip much more enjoyable.' Read the whole review here.

Motor Caravanner Magazine dedicated a double page spread on pages 30-31. Gentleman Jack wrote: '...This is a dependable and informative guide for motorcaravanners...written, photographed and published by active and enthusiastic motorcaravanners themselves... and there isn't a more accurate indication of its usefulness than that! We have been using previous editions of this guide...since 2007, and feel that they are our favourite item on our motorcaravan equipment inventory. To be accurate they are joint favourite with the corkscrew! Read the whole review on page 30 here.

UKmotorhomes review: ... the most comprehensive and up to date Aires guide for France available... Read the whole review here.

Want to see Chris and Meli on film talking about All the Aires France visit youtube channel TravellingBearWithStuBear

Having read all these glowing reviews buy All the Aires France 10th edition.

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