Must Know Motorhome Service Points France, water, toilet emptying, jettons, grey drains

All the Aires France details 3814 Motorhome Service Points in France

The 3 basic but vital functions of French Motorhome Service Points - Aire de service camping car

Drinking water - Eau Potable: French tap water is very palatable, and consistent countrywide. There is no need to buy bottled water and water filtration is unnecessary. We have been drinking French water straight from the service point for 21 years without incident. Unfortunately, thoughtless users are known to contaminate taps when rinsing toilet cassettes. Using disinfectant wipes or spray before drawing water will improve hygiene. Taps are normally threaded to assist connection of hoses. Flot Bleu Euro and Pacific Service Points have all the facilities located in one enclosed space increasing the risk of cross contamination. In addition, we have found the drinking water hose down the toilet emptying point on several occasions, so consider disinfection essential. It is advisable to have several hose fittings and a container to ensure that you can always obtain water.
Waste water, grey water emptying - Vidange des eaux grises: Drive over drains differ widely in construction. Typically a metal grid is set in concrete near to the Service Point. Some drains are so badly designed or located that it is necessary to use a length of flexible pipe to direct waste water accurately. Some Service Points do not have a drain, but it is often possible to direct a pipe to the toilet emptying point.  A few Flot Bleu Euro and Pacific Service Points have a short flexible pipe instead of a drive over drain.
Toilet cassette emptying - Vidange de la cassette des toilettes: Elsan points differ so widely that you may need to be a STUD; and Stop, Think, Understand, Dump before you become a TURD; Totally Unreasonable or Reckless Dumper. We have a bulging file of photo evidence. It may be necessary to remove a grid. Some drains are too small, notably Aire Services, so do not rush as spillage will occur. Often two water taps (robinet) are provided;normally toilet rinsing taps are unthreaded. Euro Relais Service Points often have a toilet rinsing tap that will flow even if payment is required for other services. Sensibly, they are signed Eau non potable, but the water is direct from the mains. We often see small amounts of toilet contents on grids. This is not deliberate but as a result of rinsing and assuming that the cassette has liquids only. Flot Bleu Euro and Pacific Service Points have to be unlocked before the toilet emptying point is accessible.

aire toilet cassette emptying point

Electricity at French motorhome Aires - EDF, Courant, Électrique: Approximately half of the Motorhome Service Points in France provide electricity, but unlimited (unmetered) electricity is uncommon at free Aires in France. Expect to Share at an Aire with free electricity.
All the Aires France entries have the electricity symbol highlighted for every Aire that has an electricity supply, regardless of cost or duration. Aires that offer unlimited or practical electricity supplies have the details written in either the Service Point or the Parking information. Electricity is abbreviated to ‘elec’. Where possible, the number of electricity points, and amperage of the electricity is provided as well as the plug type, see photos. No further information is provided if the electricity supply is less than one hour.
Branded Service Points that charge for use, such as Aire Services or Euro Relais, normally have one or two electric sockets. 55-60 minutes of electricity and 100 litres or 10 minutes of water is distributed simultaneously upon payment. Flot Bleu and Urba Flux Service Points normally provide 20 minutes of ‘environ’, access to water and electricity. Some brands produce electricity distribution bollards - bourne électrique. Flot Bleu electricity bollards normally provide four hours of electricity per token. 4, 8, and 12 hours of electricity can be paid for in one go.

Approximately half the plug sockets we have tested have reverse polarity and an alarming amount had no earth.

aire electrical hook up points

Viable electric is normally available at ‘commercial Aires'. 6 amps is the norm when electricity is included in the nightly fee. Be aware, there may insufficient electricity points provided, or working, for the number allocated spaces.

Where do you tokens, will my card work at French Service points?

Many branded Service Points charge for water. Thankfully, contactless payment is taking over. Credit/Debit are reducing, tokens ‘jetons’ are dwindling, and coin payment is rare. Your cards should work but failure by any payment system is not uncommon. See below.

Typically Service Points requiring tokens, coins or credit cards dispense 10 minutes or about 100 litres of drinking water. When provided, electricity is normally available for one hour. Tokens are normally available from local commerce, especially boulangeries (bakers), bar tabacs, tourist offices (TOs), the Mairie (town hall) and campsites if adjacent. Tokens may be free, but typically cost €2-€3. Information panels or signs fixed to the Service Point normally indicate where tokens are available.

aire service point tokens

Damaged Service Points: All Service Points can be in a bad state of repair. Intentional damage is common at unsupervised units that take tokens or coins.

What to do if a pay Service Point does not work: Unfortunately sometimes Service Points do not function. It is advisable to check the Service Point for damage before inserting a coin or token. If your payment is taken but no services provided it is essential that you contact the site facilitator. For open access Aires this will be the town hall, Hotel de Ville, or Mairie. The Mairie will be within the village/town and is usually clearly identified. Opening hours will vary. If the Mairie is closed, contact the supplier of the token.

Barrier operated Aires usually have a contact phone number which should be contacted whilst you are at the Aire. If none of the above work but you have paid by Debit or Credit card contact your card provider.

Vicarious Media is simply a guide book writer and publisher and has no commercial interest in individual motorhome Aires. 

Using Service Points all year:

Motorhome Aires make suitable night stops all year round and, unlike campsites, few close for the winter. Drinking water is frequently turned off during the winter to prevent frost damage - Hors Gel, signs indicate this, whereas ‘Hors Service’ indicates out of order. Flot Bleu Euro and Pacific Service Points normally stay in service all year because they are heated and insulated. Many of the Aires in All the Aires France have been inspected during winter and the water was found to be on, unless otherwise stated. However, there is no guarantee that water will be on, so plan to visit several Service Points.

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